My Awakening: Angel Number Crazy

My Awakening: “Angel Number Crazy”

Indigo Sage
7 min readMay 17, 2021


If you have not read my post entitled “Where my Spiritual Journey Began” please do, as this is a companion post.

Day 1, after my dark knight of the soul, dissolving ego, & surrendering to God I was constantly experiencing signs of awakening. While having no idea what was happening to me. Throughout the day I was feeling nudges towards number sequences. I did not feel a physical push, but more like a mindful awareness. For example, let’s say your driving home on your usual route, but you have a strong feeling (nudge) to take an alternative street. You’re not sure where it’s coming from and no idea why but you decide to follow your “first mind.” Later; you watch the local news and learn there was a deadly accident on the street you avoided and at the time you would have been driving down that street. At this point some may thank themselves for following their “first mind.” When I have those nudges I tend to thank God.

A mindful awareness, or nudges, kept drawing my attention to numbers. There were a lot of 9’s, 11’s, 0’s & 3’s. Mostly I saw 9’s over the course of the 3 days that followed my surrender. Additionally, I could see the number 3 in my mind when I meditated and occasionally when I was not meditating. I had no idea why these numbers were being pointed out to me, except for the 3 during meditation. During meditation it was communicated to me that I would be shown the verse Jerimiah 29:11 three times. I will expand on the meditation number 3 in my next post. I had never heard of angel numbers. I didn’t even think to look these numbers up. It was the first time all of these things were happening to me so I couldn’t put the pieces together right away.

Later in day 1, I went to pick up my child from school. The time read 3:01. So I’m thinking about which route to take to get there the quickest. Normally, I play music as soon as my bottom hits the driver’s seat. This time I felt a strong nudge to drive in silence. Therefore, no radio as I entered the freeway. The drive actually felt meditative and relaxing to my surprise. Normally I would feel rushed with anxiety from traffic. But not this time. Soon I realized I was behind a big service van who drove at snail speed. I wanted to get over so that I could pass the slow van, in spite of my determination, I was never given the opportunity. As I felt no control in the situation, I told myself that I’m going to be late and I began to experience anxiety thinking of my child potentially experiencing anxiety while waiting for me. Out of nowhere I got this nudge to “ask for help.” I had never asked for help from God about being late so I felt uncomfortable but the nudge kept wanting me to “ask for help.” Later I learned that we all are governed by the universal law of “free will.” Free will means that you have the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation; or, actions that are freely chosen. Because we have free will, our angels are able to help only when they are asked, in most situations. Which was the purpose of being told to “ask for help.” Before asking for help I had to form the question correctly because it was clear that I was going to be late. All the while, in the back of my mind I was still thinking, “If only I could get from behind this van.” In the end I was never able to move from behind the van. The van drove all the way to the school’s street. My child’s class was barely walking out as I walked up. Everything worked out perfectly.

Here’s the peculiar experiences that truly made this a part of my awakening. For day 2 and 3 after my surrender the same exact steps happened in the same exact sequence & at the same exact time. Except the third day I took a different street to enter the freeway. Once I got on the freeway from a different street the same van was in front of me. Making me wait patiently. I know it was the same service van on those 3 days because it had a big number on the back of it that read 318. I kept thinking, this is a weird thing that’s happening to me. It was like I felt the universe showing me how it affects our lives every day. Whether we believe it does or not! Or more like showing me that universal energy exists and works with our energy according to how we project energy out into the universe. Believe it or not, the Universe will serve you a hot dish of the energy you put out there. What goes around comes around indeed; And the “comes around” part is facilitated by the Universe. I knew this experience meant something huge for me, due to the fact that on day 1 I kept being nudged to take note of the number centered on the back of the van. Instinctively, I decided to take a picture, because, how else was I supposed to take note? The van appeared in the same way for a total of 3 days in a row. I took pictures on each of those 3 days following my surrender. Those sequence of events has never happened since.

For the photos in this story go to the Unapologetically Sage site on the “My Spiritual Journey” tab to view photos of this epiphany.

I didn’t know exactly what to do with the number 318 that I was nudged to take note of. I felt this was the energy of Universe communication. I decided to go where everyone goes when they need answers in the 3D world: Google! I typed “What does the number 318 mean?” My results were filled with Angel Number references. Eventually I chose one & clicked to continue my exploration. Without a doubt, that was a pivotal discovery in my awakening process. I will share highlights for Angel Number 318 that made me gasp and gaze in disbelief. But first, I must explain my train of thought right before, during and after my surrender. I was worrying about my lack of financial resource. My financial strain was all I could think about at certain times. I was recently laid off and I had a child to take care of. With that being said, you can imagine how often my mind wondered about financial solutions. It weighed heavily on me. Especially being the type of person who doesn’t like to ask for help. After my surrender, I did feel lighter, even so; it takes a lot of self-discipline to give your burdens to God and literally not worry about them anymore. I was attempting to do just that after the surrender but it didn’t come easy. Especially during the drive to pick up my child from school and the silence that I was nudged to maintain, left my mind wide open so I did think of my financial woes. Until I found myself behind a slow moving van 318.

This will blow your mind like it did mine, I’m sure. Angel Number 318 brings a message from your angels about your finances and monetary circumstances. My favorite parts of the Angel Number 318 include: your prayers have been heard, trust your angels intuition & take action accordingly. Do not be afraid to try something new, different and exciting. Then it leaves us with this pearl of wisdom, Fear is used to control. Do not fall for it. Allow your true power to shine and illuminate the way for others. Every word of this message hit on such a big point in my life. Which prompted me to look up angel number 301 because that was the time I left each of those days no matter when I grabbed my keys to leave. Angel message 301 says Ascended Masters are around you. They are assisting with manifesting your desires. The Joanne Sacred Scribes site further explains the number refers being on a spiritual journey and listening to your intuition and higher-self, new beginnings with a fresh approach. The message is rounded out by informing us that we create our own realities with our THOUGHTS, beliefs and intentions. From the discovery of this information my mind was blown. There is an abundance of information that corresponded with my surrender. It was as if the message was crafted specifically for me. I encourage everyone reading this blog to pay attention to your nudges for the angel numbers.

Angel number messages played a huge role in my awakening by delivering powerful beautifully written spiritual messages. From the first moment I surrendered in 2017 and searched the van number 318 until today in 2020; I continue to experience nudges towards angel numbers. It is not as often as it was when it began but they are consistent. The nudges become intense if you ask your angels for help or if they have a message for you regardless of a help request.

So I would like to ask you all if you’ve ever felt you were a part of something divinely happening but didn’t know exactly what was going on? If so, please comment and we’ll discuss. If you’ve never experienced the feeling, comment anyway and we’ll discuss.



Indigo Sage

Spiritual Blogger; experience with Spiritual Awakening, Narcissist, Karmic Twin Flames, Soul Family/Group, & Nature Photography.